Trade Waste Agreement

Sydney Water requires all grease traps to be installed in compliance with regulations and relevant codes of practice (Plumbing Code of Australia, 2012).

Before using the Halgan grease trap you must ensure a ** Tap In application has been lodged with Sydney Water for a Commercial Trade Wastewater Permit (“TWA”). The Tap In application can be submitted by the customer or person authorised by the customer to submit the application on their behalf.

You must also select an approved and licensed Sydney Water – Waste Safe Transporter. Your transporter will collect the waste periodically from your grease trap in accordance with the Sydney Water set schedule. If the grease trap is not cleaned according to this schedule it can cause a blockage of your sewer line and release an unpleasant odour.

Halgan Liquid Waste Pty Ltd is an approved Sydney Water – Waste Safe Transporter and can provide transport services for you at your election.

You can authorise Halgan to complete the application process on your behalf and to become your licensed transporter by completing the details below